Ephy, on veux un nouveau jeu old school !
Rpg Maker 2000 vient de sortie pour la premier fois en version anglaise. Comme Rpg Maker 2003, cette version est chouchouté par Cherry.
Voici le change log de Rpg Maker 2000 value
First official English translation.
Colored event command highlighting.
Event commands now have different colors, based on the colors used in RPG Maker VX Ace.
The event script list is using a striped background.
The resource manager now shows additional descriptive names for folders.
New fonts.
MS Gothic/MS Mincho as bitmap fonts (“RPG2000”/”RPG2000G”).
The fonts are now packaged with the software (both editor and runtime) itself and can be used while the software is running, without permanent installation to the Windows “Fonts” folder. This means that players also don’t have to install any additional fonts anymore.
The maximum number of pictures concurrently on the screen has been increased from 50 to 1000.
Picture operations (Show, Move, Erase) are not blocked by messages anymore.
The “Enter Hero Name” feature now allows entering 12 characters.
On Windows XP and newer, dialog boxes could become trapped behind their parent windows, causing the RPG Maker to appear hung or blocked. There was no way to get the dialogs back to the foreground other than using Alt+Tab.
When entering fullscreen, an “DDERR_UNSUPPORTED” error could appear and crash the game.
For some users, the mouse would “fly around” in the editor when drawing tiles or moving animation frames in the database.
A l'heure actuel ça se passe sur le Humble Store mais ça va vite arriver sur steam et le site officiel.
A quand Rpg Maker 95 maintenant.
A je profite de ce topic pour annoncer que les patchs sur RM2003 sont légales ! Le site officiel à publié un fichier Eula sur ça.